What I love about Randy Rothenberg's mash up of COLUMN and BLOG is that it is the essence of remarkable...so simple, so memorable. His poke at and through the Blogosphere is a wonderful reminder that it - the remarkable - can always be done. It has what Tom Peters, also a Group of 33, would call, immediate WOW-ness. *photo courtesy of www.clogsbytessa.com
That's what I admire most about my colleagues, the co-Authors of the The Big Moo. They overcome resistance on a daily basis to CREATE. I have been re-reading one of my favorite LITTLE BOOKS, The Art of War by Steven Pressfield (www.stevenpressfield.com) -- if you're at all like me in that you too have to overcome resistance to write or whatever...this is worth a read...and this excerpt will make it obvious why...
"As artists and professionals it is our obligation enact our own internal revolution, a private resurrection inside our own skulls. In this uprising we free ourselves from the tyranny of consumer culture. We overthrow the programming of advertising, movies, video games, magazines, TV and MTV by which we have been hypnotized from the cradle. We unplug ourselves from the grid by recognizing we will never cure our restlessness by contributing our disposable income to the bottom line of Bullshit, Inc. but only by doing our work."
Thanks Randy for doing your work...
Julie Anixter, September 24, 2007