It's been a year since The Big Moo was published. Here at we've shared with you how the book has impacted the charities it supports as well as how those charities are changing the world. Now it's time to shift the spotlight to the Group of 33—the authors of The Big Moo. What have they been up to in the last year? Here's a small sampling of highlights:
Kevin Carroll, along with the Global Youth Partnership for Africa, co-sponsored Team Gomo Tong from Uganda in the 4th annual Homeless World Cup. The event, held in September of this year, is no simple soccer tournament: "the player selection will be based on several factors that include
athletic skill, leadership, and overall commitment to continued
educational and social change upon returning to Uganda." The players actually become peace ambassadors. Read more about it here and on Kevin's blog.
The Big Moo editor and co-author, Seth Godin, has somehow found the time to publish another book and start an innovative web company. The book, Small is the New Big, is a compilation of his blog entries, columns from Fast Company and e-books. Squidoo, Seth's latest web project, is a bit like mashing up Wikipedia and Google. As they define it, "Squidoo's goal as a platform is to bring the power of recommendation to search." Everyone can create their own lens (website) about as many subjects as they'd like. Know something about scrimshaw? Create a lens about it! Whether your interests lie in growing businesses or the original Mardi Gras, you can become a resource for others and support your favorite charity while you're at it. Other Big Moo authors have been helping Seth out with Squidoo, including Heath Row (Senior director of
community development), Red Maxwell (Designer and Advisor), and Lisa Gansky (Board Member).
Amit Gupta is a bibliophile. Always on the search for new books to devour, he created a way to find books he might like to read, in the Amazon style ("Customers who bought this item also bought..."), and then connected it to library resources. The result is E41ST. Check it out. Update [11/17]: Turns out, that was the wrong Amit Gupta. Our Amit Gupta hasn't been working on a book search project, he's been working on a newsletter project called Photojojo. His team gives you the inside scoop on how to do the absolute coolest things with the digital photos you've been taking. Turn your photos into comic book art or make a mosaic, the pieces of which are postcards. Subscribe and get your creative juices flowing!
Citizen Marketers is the name of Jackie Huba's new book, due out in December. She and co-author Ben McConnell explain the phenomenon of customer evangelists who take their passion for a brand to the masses using social media. Get a preview of the book's tenets at their Citizen Marketers page.
No stranger to cutting-edge innovation as general manager of the design firm IDEO, Tom Kelley has had a unique view of how people operate when they generate ideas and successfully implement innovative design. Tom gives us an in depth look at the roles people play when nurturing innovation in an organization with his latest book, The Ten Faces of Innovation.
Polly LaBarre has also joined the publishing frenzy with her new book, Mavericks at Work. She and co-author Bill Taylor researched corporate upstarts—companies with unorthodox methods that were and are making waves in their industries. Polly and Bill make it clear that it's time to get creative with your approach to business in the book as well as on their blog and in this manifesto.
In August, BusinessWeek posted a podcast interview with Chris Meyer. In it, Chris explains how to stimulate innovation through the effective use of social networking. Listen in and find out how he makes cool things happen by connecting the right people.
She hasn't ended the debate, but Robin Williams has certainly added an intriguing twist to the quest for the true author of Shakespeare's body of work. Her book, Sweet Swan of Avon: Did a Woman Write Shakespeare?, was published in March and explores the possibility that it was Mary Sidney, countess of Pembroke.
Our resident Trendmaster, Robyn Waters, once again offers to help us maneuver through confusing marketplace messages with her recently published book, The Hummer and the Mini: Navigating the Contradictions of the New Trend Landscape. She shows how disparate the tastes of consumer culture can be and how to mine that knowledge for fresh ideas for your business.
This brief cross-section of recent projects illustrates the high level of thought leadership that Seth had in mind when he chose the members of the Group of 33. Be sure to check out the Authors' Links on the right side of this page to find out more about what each of the Group of 33 has been up to lately.